Prinztronic SC1500M

Prinztronic SC1500M

The Prinztronic SC1500M was an early scientific calculator manufactured in Hong Kong in approximately 1975. It came under different names such as the Radophin 870, and Radophin 800. The case and LED are similar in build quality to the Sinclair Cambridge; however, this one has scientific functions. This calculator uses the MCS7529 calculator IC manufactured by the famous MOSTEK Company.

MOSTEK made some of the best calculator chips, and back then, competition was fierce with other electronics giants such as Sharp, and Toshiba who made their own chips.



Many people might remember using this calculator for their exams at the Polytechnic in 1976. It is a lovely calculator and ideal for all calculator collectors as it marks an important milestone in digital electronics development.



The keys are hard plastic, and they are individually spring loaded. There is no click sound or feel when pressing the keys.

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Prinztronic SC1500M
Prinztronic SC1500M Inside
Prinztronic SC1500M Chipset
Prinztronic SC1500M Power
Prinztronic SC1500M Case