PCM Receiver Block Diagram

Block Diagram

Here is a block diagram with explanation of a Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) receiver. The binary bits travel down a long cheap wire and finally arrive at the receiver end. Usually when we send a binary signal down a long wire, the digital waveform loses shape. The square edges become rounded, and there might be some jitter introduced, therefore the first block is the Schmitt trigger circuit, which rebuilds the digital waveform with proper square edges. These bits then feed a SIPO register, which converts a serial stream of binary digits into a parallel binary word of n-bits at the output. These n-bits travel in parallel to the digital-to-analogue converter (DAC) block. This block converts the binary value into a voltage, which can then feed an amplifier to drive a loudspeaker so we can hear the signal in its original analogue form.