Antex ES Soldering Iron
The Antex Precision Model ES was a 25 W 240 V soldering iron available in 1968 and manufactured in England by the Plymouth based Antex Company. It came fitted with a 1/8-inch bit and was interchangeable with 3/32-inch, 3/16-inch, and 1/4-inch bits.
It had an extremely ergonomic handle that appeared unusual in shape, but very comfortable to hold for long durations. This made it an ideal choice for use in high-speed production lines. During that time, there was also the E20, and F40 that also had the same shape handles. These are extremely rare to find today. In 1968 Model ES cost a mere 35/- and it makes me wish I had a time machine so that I could buy more, because they certainly do not make them as they used to.
Back then, you had to buy the mains plug separately, and this one has a 1960s brown Bakelite one manufactured by MK.