India: A Civilization the World Fails to Recognise

Front Cover

India: A Civilization the World Fails to Recognise is a book written by Nitin Mehta MBE. It is a well-researched book, which highlights and lists some of the achievements of the Indian people. He does it very cleverly by quoting notable Western scientists such as Pierre-Simon Laplace, Mark Twain, and Sir Isaac Newton. This book, which I hope will be one of many, will knock your socks off because you will be amazed to learn the influence Indian science, mathematics, art, and religion had on the modern world of today, and yet India received such little recognition for it. In this book, Nitin lists some of the great minds of ancient India covering mathematics, arts, and politics. He also lists the contribution of modern day mathematicians, physicists, and doctors.

If you are Indian with children studying in the UK, then this is definitely one book worth having on the shelf, because I know that most of its contents will not be taught in schools. As a Brit, I went through the education system learning that the British won the Second World War single-handedly, and there was never any mention of the one-million strong Indian army. After the war, and independence, the victors rewrote history leaving out India. Even today, in education, news, and general media, you will not learn of any positive contribution made by the Indian people; yet, historians are always finding new hard evidence that much of this wisdom came to Europe from India. The truth eventually always comes out as long as honourable people like Mr Mehta write about it. Therefore, I recommend switching OFF the negative news media and getting hold of this book and reading it. You can get the book directly from the author by contacting him at, and the couple of pounds spent will be well worth the time and money.

Author: Nitin Mehta (MBE)

Back Cover

Nitin Mehta (MBE) was born in Kisumu Kenya. He speaks fluent Swahili, Gujarati, Hindi, and Punjabi. As soon as he was old enough to understand that, by heritage, he was Indian, and he became fascinated with the land of his ancestors. At the age of eight, his parents took him to India, and his impressions of India left a mark on him that continues to this day. When he moved to the UK at a young age, Nitin delved deep into the philosophical and spiritual wisdom of India.

India and Indian culture has a lot to offer the world and yet it gets very negative media coverage in the Western world. In this book, Nitin is attempting to set the record straight. This book will take the reader from the beginning of Indian civilization to the present day. It will give pride and hope to the Indian diaspora, and the people of India. It will also encourage the international media to be more balanced in its approach to India.


TitleIndia – A Civilization the World Fails to Recognise
AuthorNitin Mehta
PublisherEducreation Publishing
ISBN Number978-1-61813-407-3
Copyright HolderNitin Mehta
Last Page97