Integrate 1/cosx

Integrate (1/cosx) dx

To integrate 1/cosx, also written as ∫ 1/cosx dx, 1 divided by cosx, (cosx)^-1, we start by using standard trig identities to to change the form.

trig identity for secx

We recall the standard trig identity for secx.

Integrate secx

Therefore the integral of secx is the same thing, or identical in other words. At this point, we can simply look up the integral of secx in our formula booklets as there is a standard solution for this, and call it a day. However, we want to show some form of derrivation at least.

Changing the form.

If we were to multiply and divide by secx + tanx, then we have not changed anything, but it gives us something to play with.

Small mathematical trick

As you can see, this part equals 1, hence mathematically, it has not changed anything.

Multiply top and bottom by secx + tanx

Hence, our integration problem can be rewritten as shown above.

New expression

We multiply the numerator by secx to give the expression above. As you can see, now the numerator is the differential of the denominator, which is what we were aiming for so that we could use the u substitution. It will all become clear in the following lines.

u=secx + tanx

We let u = secx + tanx. Or in other words u is the expression in the denominator.


Then du/dx is the expression shown above. As you can see, it is the same as what we have in the numerator of our integration problem.

Expression for du

We rearrange it for du by moving dx to the RHS.

u substitution

We now replace the numerator with du, and denominator with u using substitution. Hence we get a new and simpler integration problem in terms of u and du.

Integrate 1/u du

The integral of 1/u is a standard solution in formula books, which we can look up. We also replace u with secx + tanx.

Final Answer

Therefore, this is the final solution, where C is the integration constant.