Integrate 2sec^2x tanx

Integrate 2sec^2x tanx

To integrate 2sec^2x tanx, also written as ∫2sec2x tanx dx, 2 sec squared x tan x, and 2(sec x)^2 tanx, we start by recognising that the differential of one half is within the other half of the same expression. In this case, the differential of tanx is sec squared x, which should fill you with great confidence to use the u substitution method.

Moving the constant outside the integral.

We can move the constant 2 behind the integral, and rearrange the terms so that the substitution will be easier to see. Our goal is to substitute sec squared x dx with du, and the following steps show how to do that.

Let u=tanx

Let u = tanx.


Then, du/dx = sec2x. This is a standard derivation found in formula books.

Expression for du.

We rearrange it for du, so that the RHS is sec2x dx.

integration in terms of u du.

We can now replace sec2x dx with du, and also replace tanx with u, as shown on the RHS. This gives us a new integration expression that is much simpler in terms of u.

Constant 2 cancels out.

We integrate to get an answer in terms of u.

C is the integration constant.

We now replace u with tanx.

Final answer tan^2x

Hence, this is the answer. There are many trig identities involving tan2x, hence it is possible to change the form to something else should you require, however, for the most part it is best to leave it in this form.