Integrate sec^23x

Integrate sec^23x

To integrate sec^23x, also written as ∫sec23x dx, sec squared 3x, (sec3x)^2, and sec^2(3x), we start by using the u substitution.


Let u=3x.


Then du/dx=3


We rearrange for dx in terms of du.


As you can see, we can rewrite the integration problem in terms of u by substituting out 3x and dx. It is much more simpler and means the same thing as the original integration problem.

Equivalent integration

This is the same thing, except we have moved the constant 1/3 outside of the integral.

integration of sec^2x dx

I have already shown how to integrate sec^2x in previous articles and, therefore; we take the proof from there as shown above. You should consult the other article as well to satisfy yourself.

Partial solution with u.

Therefore we rewrite it with u as it is in our case.

Reintroducing the constant 1/3

We substitute the solution back into our original integration reintroducing the constant 1/3 that was behind the integral.

substituting back for u.

We recall that u=3x, hence we substitute that in as well so that everything is in terms of x.

Final Solution!

Hence here is the solution, where C is the integration constant.