Integrate tan^22x

Integrate tan^22x

To integrate tan^22x, also written as ∫tan22x dx, tan squared 2x, (tan2x)^2, and tan^2(2x), we start by utilising standard trig identities to change the form of the integral. Our goal is to have sec22x in the new form because there is a standard integration solution for that in formula booklets that we can use.

Pythagorean trig identity

We recall the Pythagorean trig identity, and multiply the angles by 2 throughout to keep the equation in balance.


We rearrange the trig identity for sin22x.

Divide throughout by cos^22x

We divide throughout by cos22x.

The LHS becomes tan22x, which is our integration problem, and can be expressed in a different form shown on the RHS. However, we still need to make some changes to the first term on the RHS.

Trig identity for secx

We recall a standard trig identity with secx. This is usually found in formula books.

Squaring both sides.

We square both sides, which makes the RHS look like the term we had in previous steps.

Identity for tan^22x

Hence we can now substitute that so that our expression has sec22x. The reason why we went through all this was to bring this term into our expression. It will all become clear in the following two steps.

New integral expression

We can now express our original integration problem in another form that means the same thing and is simpler to do.

Integral of sec^2kx

We recall a standard integration usually found in formula booklet for sec2kx. As you can see, there is a straight solution for this integration.

Integral of sec^22x

Hence, for our problem the integration solution for this part is shown above.

Final solution

Hence, this is the final solution, where C is the integration constant.