Sony STR-DE400 Electronic Engineering

Inside Look

The STR-DE400 was a well-designed and engineered product from the Sony Corporation. There is a level of modularisation to keep the design simple and that makes service and repair somewhat manageable. To change the audio power output transistors, one still has to remove the main board, which comes out together with the heatsink. An engineer would also have to undo the plethora of wiring, and remove the RDS tuner and Digital board before getting access to the underside of the main board. A good advantage of this amplifier is that the replacement audio power transistors are readily and cheaply available making repairs cost-effective for a talented and qualified technician.

Service and Repair

IC400 Analog Sound Processor
Mains Transformer
RDS Tuner and Digital Input Board
Video Board

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Sony STR-DE400
Electronic Engineering
Protect Repair
Back Sockets