Casio SL-300ER Inside

Casio SL-300ER Inside

Casio Euro Conversion SL-300ER has a nice clear liquid crystal display (LCD), which connects to the printed circuit board (PCB), with a ribbon cable. All the circuitry is inside the main calculator IC and consequently there are very few components on the PCB.



The other side of the PCB has the keyboard contacts, which saves much space and allows the calculator to be thin.



In solar panel charging circuits, a diode prevents the battery from draining through the solar panel. The diode blocks the current from flowing through the solar cell.

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Casio SL-300ER
Casio SL-300ER Inside
Casio SL-300ER Chipset
Casio SL-300ER Two Way Power
Casio SL-300ER Case