Building a Stereo Op Amp Amplifier

Your actual build will vary according to the op amp IC you were able to obtain. I managed to find some old 741chips from my 90s projects which I am recycling. If you can find the NE5532 dual amplifier IC then your build will look slightly different. There are many op amp packages, and you should check their output and noise capability.

I am using a prototyping board usually found on eBay. If you have never used such a board then it is a good idea to read the following article on PCB Prototype Matrix Board.

If you are an asthmatic or suffer from wheezing after soldering, then the solder you should use is Omega, which is rosin-free and lead-free. The 3F07 Audio Jack Socket article has the pinout information, which is useful. The potentiometer came from eBay, and it was the cheapest dual ganged pot for stereo applications I could find.

Take proper care when soldering the inverting and non-inverting input pins as they are very sensitive and close together. Keep your soldering as thin as possible and make sure there is a visibly clear gap between those pins. If there is any flux residue there, then use a flux cleaner to remove it. How well the circuit works and its stability depends upon this gap. If there is the slightest amount of cross talk between the pins, then the amplifier will become unstable.

Once you have built the circuit there will be flux all over the board and probably some oxide residue as well. This might be disheartening; however, professionals use a flux cleaner to reveal shiny soldering on a clean board.

Installing Links

Installing Links

The first step was to start with installing the links because the chip sockets, and volume control potentiometer installs over them. If you use standard copper then it will tarnish over time, but I am using a different wire that is normally used in avionics.

Links View


This photograph shows the links, which are straight and correctly size. It is a good idea to make a neat construction instead of a crow’s nest that I often see made by the 'experts'.

This Article Continues...

Op Amp Headphone Amplifier
Op Amp Headphone Amplifier Circuit
Single Rail Op Amp Power Supply
Building a Stereo Op Amp Amplifier
Op Amp Stereo Amplifier Results
Op Amp Stereo Amplifier Sounds
741 Op Amp Gain Calculator