Calculator for Long Wave (LW) Radio Coil

This calculator will find the value of the long wave (LW) radio coil required for building a ferrite rod antenna given the value of the variable capacitor. The default values are for the coverage of the LW frequency range of 148.5 kHz to 283.5 kHz, utilising a 224 pF variable capacitor. The required coil will be a huge amount, hence manufacturers usually use the thinnest wire in order to occupy the least space on the ferrite rod.

LW Frequency kHz (min range)

LW Frequency kHz (max range)

Max Variable Capacitor Value (pF)

Coil Inductance (H)

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Ferrite Rod Antenna Coil
PVC-224 Variable Capacitor
Calculator for Medium Wave (MW) Radio Coil
Calculator for Long Wave (LW) Radio Coil
Calculator for Short Wave (SW) Radio Coil
Variable Capacitor Calculator for MW Radio Coil