VEF 206 Plastic Case

Plastic Case

The VEF-206 is an all-plastic construction, and the inside chassis is also plastic. Four screws secure the chassis to the case, and it will require removal if you need to change the dial light bulbs, or adjust the switch if it is stuck.

Inside Chassis

The chassis pulls out together with the loudspeaker and the aerial, which is useful, and clever thinking of the designers.

Here are some photographs showing the inside of the plastic case.

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VEF 206 Radio
VEF 206 Schematic
VEF 206 eBay
VEF 206 inside Look
Russian Transistors and Components
VEF 206 Band Selector Switch
VEF 206 Variable Capacitor
VEF 206 Power Supply
VEF 206 Plastic Case
VEF 206 Radio Chassis
VEF 206 Repair
VEF 206 Dial Light Switch