HST-D501CDM Front Panel

HST-D501CDM Front Panel

The HST-D501CDM (XO-D501) front panel has some interesting features such as the motor and circuit for the servo controlled volume knob, and the main system computer IC701.

Servo Volume Control
Servo Motor
Tape Transport Mechanism Removed


When taking the tape transport mechanism out, it is easier if you keep the cassette compartment door open to disengage the latch. A large spring, which provides a pushing force to open the door, usually falls out. The photographs here show where it goes, which is on the right side of both transport mechanisms.

Spring Position View 1
Spring Position View 2

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Sony XO-D501 (HST-D501CDM)
HST-D501CDM inside Look
HST-D501CDM Front Panel
HST-D501CDM PCB Artwork
HST-D501CDM Mainboard Chipset
HST-D501CDM Tape Transport Mechanism
XO-D501 Sockets