Premium Bonds Prize Breakdown

Value Bands Prize % Total Number of Prizes
Higher £1 million 7 %
£100 000 4
£50 000 7
£25 000 15
£10 000 38
£5 000 76
Medium £1 000 5 % 1110
£500 3330
Lower £100 88 % 15211
£50 15211
£25 1863026
Total £55.5 million   1898030 

The table above shows the August 2014 prize breakdown, and when I bought some more bonds, I started having flights of fancy that I would donate some to my charity, and then perhaps buy a small tiny house near the seaside because the sea air is supposed to be good for asthmatics, and perhaps even continue my PPL training. But even my meagre dreams cannot be fulfilled because it is so difficult to win the first prize. Initially, the prospect of winning any prize was exciting, and just like everyone else, I was hoping to win the first prize. After a few years, those hopes lowered to winning the second prize, and after a few more years, that expectation lowered further to winning at least one of the lowest prizes, however today, I do not even think about it anymore because I realise now that the chances of winning are very small. There are many unclaimed prizes, which is probably an indication of people just like me who got tired of waiting and simply lost interest.

Improving Your Chances

The only way to improve your chances of winning is to buy more bonds, however many people have noticed that if they buy new Premium Bonds, then usually they win a small amount within a year, and then after that, they get nothing. So perhaps the trick is to cash-in your bonds every so often and buy new ones, so you get new numbers.

If you buy a large number of bonds simultaneously, then usually they provide a range of numbers in a block, which probably does not help much. Perhaps you could improve your chances of winning by spreading out the numbers, and therefore, it is probably better to buy a small amount of bonds separately.

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Premium Bonds
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Premium Bonds Prize Breakdown