JVC CX-7K Service Manual

Service Manual

The CX-7 (also known as CX-7K) was a stereo cassette player manufactured by the JVC Corporation in 1986. It had auto-reverse transport mechanism with full logic control, making it one of the most advanced players with extreme high-end microminiaturisation technology. This unit has two miniaturised motors, where one drives the capstan, whilst the other actuates the transport mechanism. Consequently, they had to use a microcontroller (M51556P) to provide the system control functions, and a huge plethora of discrete transistors to produce the necessary logic required.

For audio reproduction the CX-7 uses a BA3503F integrated circuit (IC) to provide the preamplifier and power amplifier functions. It also has a dedicated IC (BA1102F) to provide the Dolby noise reduction facility. For the capstan motor speed control, they use the AN6612S IC. This stereo cassette player is extremely rare and as a result the prices can be very high as it is a highly sought after unit.

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Service Manual
Circuit Diagram
Removal of Main Parts
Parts Removal Matrix
Mechanism Control
Mechanism Assembly
Enclosure Assembly
Packing and Accessories
Main Board PCB
Main Board Parts List
Main Board Block Diagram
P.C. Board