Sharp RT-3151 Cogwheel Repair

Broken Cogwheel

The Sharp RT-3151 uses a very small cogwheel that provides the drive for the rewind function. Unfortunately on my unit, this cogwheel had crumbled due to old age and stresses placed upon it over the years. Luckily, I was able to find a replacement cogwheel that had been recycled from an old printer.

Broken Cogwheel

New Cogwheel

After replacing the cogwheel, it was as good as new, and in many ways better. The small white cogwheel usually engages with the black cogwheel during the tape rewind operation.

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Sharp RT-3151
Sharp RT-3151 inside Look
Sharp RT-3151 Tape Transport Mechanism
Sharp RT-3151 Drive Belt
Sharp RT-3151 Cogwheel Repair
Sharp RT-3151 FF and REW Pulley
Sharp RT-3151 Heads
Sharp RT-3151 Back Panel
Sharp RT-3151 Processor
Sharp RT-3151 Repair