Acoustic Solutions SP103 Repair

A commonly occurring fault in the SP103 amplifiers was in the poor soldering of LCD pins, which connect onto the front board. For some reason, the solder does not stick well to these pins, and after some time develops dry joints. When this happens, there is no display, and the amplifier will not start either. A quick fix is often to remove the old solder from all the pins and use plenty of flux to re-solder them.

LCD Module Pin Soldering
R6 and R7

Another problem I found once was R6 or R7, on the power amplifier board being open; hence, it is worth checking them with a meter. These resistors dissipate a lot of heat and I usually replace them with higher wattage ceramic types.

Regulator 1 and 2

These voltage regulators can heat up a lot and it would help if they had heatsinks. Alternatively, another heatsink block with wire extensions could be used to provide better cooling.

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Acoustic Solutions SP103
SP103 Electronic Engineering
SP103 Amplifier Board
SP103 Front Panel
SP103 Repair
SP103 Back Connections