Wharfedale Pro PM 600 Back Sockets

Back Sockets

Cooling Fan

The cooling fan is just a basic standard type one would find in a computer case. The fan remains powered all the time. Over time, fans can sometimes get noisy, however, the good news is that the replacements are easy to find.

Unbalanced TRS Output

Line Out Socket

The main "Line Out" socket provides an unbalanced output through a ¼-inch Tip Ring Sleeve (TRS) connector. Used originally in old-fashioned telephone switchboards, the phone connector, also known as jack socket, became popular with audio equipment.

Unbalanced output simply means that the signal is with respect to ground. This is the typical standard for domestic audio equipment where signals travel over short distances. For example, home hi-fi, tape recorders, and radios generally provide unbalanced outputs. This type of signal feeds other equipment through a standard ground referenced unbalanced input.

What is a balanced output?

A balanced output is usually used when the signal has to travel over very long wires. Since signals through long wires pick up noise, splitting the signal into its differential components and sending each component through a separate wire helps reduce the noise. The receiving end constructs the original signal by subtracting one signal component from the other. An advantage of this subtraction process is that since both wires will have the same noise floor, the noise also subtracts in the process, thus eliminating it.

Balanced inputs and outputs are used in high-end amplifiers, as they are expensive due to the additional circuitry required for splitting and recombining the signals. An unbalanced signal cannot connect be fed to an input expecting a balanced signal, as they are incompatible.

Speaker Output Jacks

Speaker Output Jacks

These are ¼-inch jack sockets for connecting the speakers. The minimum load is 4 Ω.

External Fuse Holder

External Fuse Holder

There is an external fuse holder, which holds a 2.5-ampere fuse.

Back Label

This is the back label, which reads, Wharfedale International Ltd, Huntingdon. Wharfedale are a very old and experienced company. They make some of the finest and best amplifiers and speakers.

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Wharfedale Pro PM 600 Back Sockets
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