Olympus OM10 Removing the Film Rewind Knob

Removing the Rewind Knob

To remove the rewind knob and selector dial you need to remove the obvious looking screw in the rewind knob. However, when you turn this screw, the film rewind shaft also turns; therefore placing another screwdriver in the slot prevents the shaft from rotating.

Rewind Knob and Crank

The film rewind knob with the crank and screw come out like this.

Removing the C-Clip

In this stage, we need to remove the "C-Clip" for which you will require a special pair of pliers.


Here is the C-Clip.

Selector Dial

Here is the selector dial.

Removing the selector dial reveals the switch contacts. Usually these contacts require cleaning with an electrical contact cleaner. If your camera has intermittent power connection problems then this is the most likely thing to clean, as it tends to accumulate dust after many years of use.

Selector Dial - Reverse Side

The reverse side of the selector dial also has copper contacts.

This Article Continues...

How to Open Olympus OM10
Olympus OM10 Removing the Film Rewind Knob
Olympus OM10 Removing the Film Advance Lever
Olympus OM10 Spring
Olympus OM10 Electronic Engineering