BC549C Lead Extensions for Future Amplifier Projects

Lead extensions for transistors.

With the emergence of printed circuit board technology, component leads have been getting shorter in length. However, with the screw cup system, long component leads are required and modern transistors such as the cheap BC549C transistor have very short leads. In addition, I needed a solution whereby I could remove the transistors quickly without having to unscrew the terminals, and although soldering extension leads is possible, I wanted a method that would minimize soldering.

My solution was to adapt some of the wires from a breakout ribbon cable. If you have a Raspberry Pi, then you might be familiar with Raspberry Pi GPIO Connectors & Cables. This cable has female sockets, which are just the right fit for the transistor leads. The plug ends of the breakout cable will not go to waste, as they could still be useful for breadboard projects.

The great thing about this system is that you can try out different transistors to see if a cheaper equivalent works. There are many schools and scout organisations where they need to buy in bulk, and therefore if you can get around 100 general-purpose transistors for a fiver, then that is very good value. This site does not have a checkout; because I care very deeply about the cost of educational materials being cheaper for whippersnappers.

Transistor Lead Extensions

I decided to give the whippersnappers three BC549C transistors together with their leads extended. With these, they can make simple one-transistor amplifier experiments.

Lead Soldering

I am very thorough, because if a job is worth doing, then it should be done properly; hence, I even tinned the wire ends.

This Article Continues...

Making a Crystal Radio Electronics Lab
Making a Crystal Radio - The Little Whippersnapper's Parts List
Crystal Radio Baseboard 4-inch by 12-inch by 1/2-inch
No. 6 Brass Screw Cups & No. 6 Screws 1/2-inch
Marking Out the Baseboard and Installing the Screws

Making the coil
Crystal Radio Coil
Crystal Radio Coil Winding
Crystal Radio Coil Terminals
Connecting the Crystal Radio Coil

Main parts
Crystal Radio Diode
Germanium Diode Test
Crystal Radio Earphone
Crystal Radio Circuit
Crystal Radio Specification

Potentiometer Mounting Bracket
RFC - Radio Frequency Choke
Project Power Supply Wiring
10k Potentiometer Wiring
BC549C Lead Extensions for Future Amplifier Projects
Wiring the Speaker to the LT700 Transformer

The Little Whippersnapper's Radio