Philips EL-3302 Plastic Case

Philips EL-3302 Plastic Case

This shows the inside of the Philips EL-3302 plastic case. The 2.4-inch diameter speaker has a 0.4 W rating, and attaches to the top half of the plastic case. There are no wires to the speaker; instead, they have used metal plates and springs to make the electrical connection. This is better as the inside chassis can be removed without having to desolder the speaker wires.



Back cover

Back Cover

The back cover of the EL3302 has a small piece of paper showing the circuit diagram. It is always a good sign when a manufacturer goes to these lengths of providing as much information as possible.

Philips products are always one of the best, and you can see from this early technology that they pay attention to detail.


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Philips Compact Cassette Recorder EL-3302
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