Philips EL-3302 Aesthetics

Philips EL-3302 Aesthetics

The early Philips cassette recorders are still very desirable, and there are many collectors throughout the world interested in acquiring one. The best place to see is eBay, where many people are buying and selling.

Aesthetics is something that Philips understands very well, and they get it right every time.

It has these wonderful clean sharp edges and lines, that has that 80s Star Trek quality about it.

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Philips Compact Cassette Recorder EL-3302
Philips EL-3302 / Philips EL-3302A
Philips EL-3302 Tape Transport
Philips EL-3302 Head Design
Philips EL-3302 PCB
Philips EL-3302 Plastic Case
Philips EL-3302 Power Supply
Philips EL-3302 Videos
Philips EL-3302 Aesthetics
Philips EL-3302 Adapter