Polonium Detector Conceptual Design

Polonium Detector Conceptual Design

Here is a conceptual design of a pen-sized detector for 007. The led indicators are simple to understand, since in any case if the red light comes on, do not drink.

"Now listen carefully James Bond, the operation of the pen is very simple. The ON / OFF button is at the top, push-to-make locking mechanism and one uses it just as one would use a pen", as 'Q' in the James Bond films would say.

  1. Steady AMBER means calculating the background radiation wait. This is the first mode the device automatically goes into and requires around 30-seconds. During this time, the microcontroller measures the background radiation; hence, the pen is best located close to oneself.
  2. Flashing AMBER means ready to calculate the radiation in the drink. This is the second mode the device goes into automatically and requires around 30-seconds. During this time, leave the pen in the drink, and make small talk; for 007, this is not a problem. If it is a female operative, then pumping for information may be necessary.
  3. Steady RED light only means polonium detected do not drink.
  4. Steady GREEN means this drink is probably fine, no radiation of any kind detected.
  5. RED, and AMBER, both flashing simultaneously means detection of another kind of radiation.
  6. RED, AMBER, and GREEN, all flashing simultaneously means, lethally high levels detected everywhere including background radiation, leave the immediate vicinity straight away and consult a medical doctor.

This Article Continues...

007 Gadgets: Polonium Detector
Polonium - Po
Ionisation Chamber
High Gain Darlington Pair – Circuit
ATtiny Microcontroller for Processing
1.5 V to 5 V Converter Power Supply Chip
Polonium Detector Conceptual Design
Polonium Detector Schematics