TC-152SD Manual

Controls and Meter

The TC-152SD user manual has detailed information regarding the operation of this unit; however this article also has some basic quick start information that could be useful. Interestingly, the switch marked "Light" on the left illuminates the meter dials, whilst the switch marked "Battery Check" on the right indicates the charge left in the batteries. The engineers thoughtfully designed the meter system such that they remain illuminated only when powered by mains supply. In this design, filament torch bulbs are used; consequently, the light is orange coloured.

Slider Input Controls

Slider Input Controls

These slider controls adjust the recording input level, and they connect to the preamplifier circuitry.

Input Selector Switch

Input Selector Switch

The input selector switch selects between line input through the RCA sockets, and the microphone input. The "ATT" position provides 20 dB attenuation when recording from a microphone source. The microphone input sensitivity is 0.2 mV (-72 dB low impedance). This helps to bring the high input signal within the range of the machine and prevents the overloading of the preamplifier.

Dolby and Other functions

Dolby and Other functions

The "Limiter" switch enables a form of automatic gain control, which keeps the signal level within a safe acceptable range for recording purposes. If the signal level increases suddenly, then the limiter circuit will automatically adjust the input level so that it does not overload or clip. In this design, the Dolby noise reduction function was composed of discrete transistor circuits and provided a 5 dB reduction at 1 kHz, and 10 dB for frequencies above that.

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