

If you suspect that your memory stick may be a fake, the first thing to do is to test it to determine its true capacity. If you do not then you could suffer from data loss at some point in the future, because fakes often report incorrect capacity.

The only tool that I know that will test the memory and report its true capacity is H2testw. It is a very sensible program, which does an excellent job of verifying the memory capacity.

This program is best run on an empty memory stick, hence; copy all your data to the hard disk.

The software works by writing test data to the memory stick and then reading it back. Of course, you should always read and follow the instructions provided by the software makers.

Settings interface.

This is a nice little simple program where you just select the target drive to be tested. In this case the target drive is the removable media drive, and then presses the "Write + Verify" button.

Testing interface.

This is the interface that you see when it goes through the write and verify cycles.

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Fake USB Memory Repair Tools
PD V1.08 B3
HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool
USB Memory Stick Error