Shure M64-2E Universal Stereo Preamplifier

Shure M64-2E Universal Stereo Preamplifier

The M64-2E was a universal stereo preamplifier for use with magnetic pickup cartridges to provide the necessary gain and equalisation. It had three principal equalisation options consisting of flat response for microphones, RIAA response for cartridges, and NAB response for tape. It could operate on mains power supply and battery.

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Stylus Trackability and Performance
Stylus Assembly
Cartridge Performance Chart
Cartridge Performance - Supplementary
Shure SFG-2 Stylus Tracking Force Gauge
Shure V-15 Type 2
M3D Stereo Dynetic Cartridge
Shure Vintage Replacement Cartridges
M44 Series
M75 Type 2 Series
M64-2E Universal Stereo Preamplifier
Solo-Phone Stereo Headphone Amplifier