Removing Cassette Deck Door

Cassette Deck Door
Access Hatch

Removing the cassette deck door can be a very tricky job, however in this Pioneer cassette deck; the manufacturers have designed a way to remove them safely. On the underside of the deck, they have placed access hatches directly below the door pivots. I simply used a screwdriver to push the pivots out of their recess holes on each side of the door. Once the pivots are out, it is possible to pull the doors out safely.

Door Pivots
Pivot View

In this design, there is also a large spring that remains fixed to the door. In these photographs, you can see how this spring remains in place.

Spring View
Door Spring

The long side of the spring simply rests against a bit of plastic inside the cassette compartment.

Door Spring View

This Article Continues...

Pioneer CT-1170
Inside Look
Circuit Board
Pinch Roller and Capstan
Removing Cassette Deck Door
Tape Deck Mechanism
Drive Belts
Tape Transport Cogwheels
Power Supply
Back Sockets