Hitachi SR-2000L Back Sockets

Aerial Connections

The SR-2000L has a nice and simple set of connections because it was designed in the days when sound quality and simplicity were the key aspects of a good system. Since you already have an amplifier and tuner, all one requires are connections for a record player and tape deck.

Since this amplifier has a metal case, the "AM LOOP Antenna", which is essential for AM reception, connects from the outside. Unfortunately, many owners lose this part and consequently are unable to receive AM.

RCA Sockets
Antenna Connections

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Hitachi SR-2000
Hitachi SR-2000L inside Look
Hitachi SR-2000L Repair
Hitachi SR-2000L Tuner Design
Hitachi SR-2000L Tuning String
Hitachi SR-2000L Back Sockets