Canon EOS 300 Review

I remembered reading about the EOS 300 / REBEL 2000 in a magazine back in 2000, and it received brilliant reviews, so I wanted to see for myself how true that was. This camera makes photography so simple that just a single monkey without any trainees could operate it. Although I tested it with black and white film, it does make film photography easier, and the picture quality is excellent, even with the duff fungus infested EF lens that I cleaned myself.

Review Image

What I loved about this camera was the depth-of-field preview button, which will stop down the aperture so you can check it in the viewfinder. An accurate viewfinder is one of the most important things in a camera because it takes the guessing and long division mathematics out of photography. The viewfinder on this camera is extremely clear because they are using a new laser matte focusing screen. In this SLR design, a quick-return half mirror reflects the light up into a roof pentaprism providing a 90 % vertical and horizontal coverage.

The RS-60E3 accessory provides this camera with a wireless remote control facility. This is useful if you are making animations and you need to keep the camera still. I also use it for astronomy to take precise angled shots of celestial objects. It is extremely sensitive equipment where a fraction of a degree movement can mess up the calculations, therefore a wireless remote control is extremely useful.

Mode Selector Ring

For the advanced users you will love the fact that you can switch between aperture priority and shutter-speed priority modes seamlessly. In aperture priority mode, you set the aperture value (Av) and the camera sets the shutter speed. However, in shutter-speed priority mode, you set the shutter speed (Tv) and the camera sets the aperture value automatically. If you really want to take the thinking out of photography, then this camera provides Automatic Exposure (AE) mode P. In this mode, the camera automatically selects the shutter speed and aperture, and all you need is a good opposable thumb for pressing the shutter release button and scratching your head.

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Canon EOS 300 / REBEL 2000
Canon EOS 300 Review
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