Sony CCD-V8AF-E eBay

Vintage Cameras on eBay

EBay is one of the largest trading places for new and used camcorders, as well as parts and accessories. They have cameras to suit all budgets, and even a small budget for a blogger such as myself. Due to my poverty-stricken blogging lifestyle, there is no way I can afford a brand new camcorder so I am always looking for something that is broken that I can repair, and most importantly, I can afford. I usually get more enjoyment from opening things up and taking it apart to see how it was designed, hence if something is going for five pounds or ten pounds, then I will usually snap it up.


On this occasion, I managed to acquire the Sony CCD-V8AF-E because it was broken, in right state, and going cheap. I managed to get the complete kit together with the storage case and accessories for around ten pounds, which was a bargain! It is amazing how grimy these cameras can get, because it took an hour just to clean away all the oil, and the years of dust, that had settled on it. After a little servicing and tuning, I was able to get some great clear images.

These earlier cameras were robust, which is why they still exist today. The CP-11 board contains IC701 which is the ICX-021K interline transfer CCD imager integrated circuit (IC) manufactured by the Sony Corporation of Japan. These early imager ICs had a ceramic package, which protected the internal circuitry much better than the plastic packages that later came into use. If you had a modern camcorder, which inexplicably suffered a CCD failure, then you probably understand the importance of this.

Cameras for Sale

This camera also has a built-in Video 8 cassette recorder, so you can play your old Video 8 tapes and feed the audio and video signal to a DVD recorder for recording. This is great for converting Video 8 tapes to DVD.

I had several reasons for buying it. 1. I had seen it in 1985 at my local Sony shop and always wanted to play with it. 2. I had some Video 8 tapes that I wanted to convert to DVD. 3. I wanted to see how well the electronics were designed. 4. It has a cool futuristic looking motorised cassette compartment door, which pops up and down.

With everyone focussed on the latest cameras, and mega-pixel capability, these early CCD cameras usually go cheap, and if you are an electronics hobbyist, then you could have some fun with it. I thought the camera on its own was well worth ten pounds, and the rest was gravy. I also got a rechargeable battery pack that was on its last legs, charger adapter, RF modulator, power supply, and a futuristic looking silver storage case. I figured it would keep me busy, and more importantly, out of trouble for at least a day.

This Article Continues...

Sony CCD-V8AF-E Video 8
Sony CCD-V8AF-E Battery
Sony CCD-V8AF-E eBay
Sony CCD-V8AF-E Review
Sony CCD-V8AF-E Repair
Sony CCD-V8AF-E Video 8 Tape Recorder
Sony CCD-V8AF-E Storage and Transport Case