Sennheiser HD-202 Repair

Sennheiser HD-202 Repair

If you need to repair the Sennheiser HD-202 headphones then this page might help because I took one apart for repair and gained the opportunity to learn how to remove the ear cups/pads, and diagnose breaks in the cable.

Ear Pads Removed

Replacing Foam Pads

Filter and Foam Mounts

Usually, a black cloth filter mounts onto an oval shaped plastic panel. The filter prevents dust from getting into the driver diaphragm. I replaced mine with a thin layer of tissue paper, which is fine for a year or so before it requires replacing again. The foam ear pads also mount on this oval panel of plastic.

Plastic Frame

Once you have mounted the pads onto the oval panel, you need to align a set of cutout notches on the panel side and the cup side. Once aligned, you simply press the two parts around the edges, and it usually makes a popping sound as it locks. Sometimes if the pads are past it, then replacements are readily available on auction sites.

Aligning Notch
Notch Cutout

Cable/Voice Coil Troubleshooting

Voice coil terminals

I recently bought these in the pre-used market and decided to take them apart for cleaning / disinfecting, and repair. The first task was to troubleshoot why it was producing sound from only one side. Usually with these types of faults, it is either a burnt driver coil, or a break in the wire. The first task was to take the ear cups apart to gain access to the drivers to determine if the voice coils were working. A multimeter usually helps determine if there is continuity in the coil, and the ohms setting should measure approximately 32-Ω. If the drivers are OK, then we usually focus on the wire and try to determine where the break is. Many people usually install a completely new wire, however, with some patience it is possible the salvage the existing wire. The break usually occurs near the jack plug end, therefore snipping that off and testing for continuity again usually helps. If you found the break, then that was good luck! Otherwise, the second most likely place for a break to occur is the part of wire that goes into the cup.

Driver Terminals

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Sennheiser HD-202