Inside Casio SL-300 / Casio SL300

Inside Casio SL-300 / Casio SL300

Inside the Casio SL-300, we see a very precise and compact construction. They are using a rigid board mounted with the main CMOS IC. The other side of the board has the circuit traces for the keyboard contacts.

Solar Cell Technology

Solar Cell Technology

Back in the 1980s, solar cells were used everywhere including watches, and radios, however it had a negative impact on other fields of the electronics industry. Today, solar technology can power and heat a home because of the latest advancements in solar panel technology.

Solar Panel Capacitor

Solar Panel Capacitor

Solar cells require a temporary place to store the charge, and in this calculator, they have used a small electrolytic capacitor for this purpose. This capacitor can hold enough charge to keep the memory contents alive for a few minutes.

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Casio SL-300
Casio SL-300
Inside Casio SL-300
Casio SL-300 Main Chip
Casio SL-300 Keyboard
Casio SL-300 Cover
Casio SL-300 Stamped Markings