Casio SL-300 Cover

Casio SL-300 Cover

The SL-300 calculator comes in this lovely leatherette type plastic cover. It always looks nice and smart on these vintage calculators. The cover is the reason why many of these calculators have lasted all these years. I just recently managed to get one of these vintage calculators with the cover, manual, and box for a few pounds, and it is a nice bit of history.

If you went to college in the 1990s then you most certainly will remember cleaning the leatherette cover over the weekends, and making sure your calculator was working fine for the exams.

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Casio SL-300
Casio SL-300
Inside Casio SL-300
Casio SL-300 Main Chip
Casio SL-300 Keyboard
Casio SL-300 Cover
Casio SL-300 Stamped Markings