Casio SL-300 Main Chip

The SL-300 calculator IC is a Large-Scale Integration (LSI) chip of the 80s era. Considered a second-generation processor, the transistor count reached well over tens of thousands, and was manufactured utilising Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology.

Calculator Chip

Calculator Chip

This particular chip is unmarked, because the Casio Corporation often did not disclose their MOS manufacturing methods and chip technology. This enabled them to maintain a leading advantage in the calculator development field.

Chip Soldering

Chip Soldering

As you can see, the manufacturing is clean and precise. I just love the neat way the soldered chip sits. This would have been an automated process, with the board passing through a solder flow.

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Casio SL-300
Casio SL-300
Inside Casio SL-300
Casio SL-300 Main Chip
Casio SL-300 Keyboard
Casio SL-300 Cover
Casio SL-300 Stamped Markings