Brownie Box Camera Shutter Mechanism

Brownie Box Camera Shutter Mechanism

The Brownie Box Camera No. 2, model "E" had a simple shutter mechanism consisting of a spring loaded rotating circular disc with a hole. The shutter lever operates in either direction, and remains locked in the last used position. To gain access to the shutter mechanism, simply remove the four screws to the front of the box. In this image, you can also see the prism assembly for the viewfinders.

The Shutter

The Shutter

The shutter has a very smooth action and makes a nice clicking sound when operating correctly. On this camera, it is still operating perfectly.

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Brownie Box Camera No. 2
Brownie Box Camera Shutter Mechanism
Brownie Box Camera Metal Film Loader
Brownie Box Camera Shutter Operation Video
Brownie Box Camera Date and Model