Brownie Box Camera Metal Film Loader

Back view of the camera.

The Brownie Box Camera No. 2, model "E" was very simple to use and open. Just flip over the latches to open the back compartment. Inside, there is a metal cage, which holds the 120 film. This film holder is vital to the operation of the camera.

The red-tinted inspection window was for seeing if the film had advanced, and whether it was reaching the end. You can also see the shutter operate, as there is a momentary flicker of light capturing the essence and the spirit of the moment.

Loading the Film

Metal Cage Film Holder

It uses a number 120 film, which loads into the metal cage from the side hole. The film roll wound around a wooden spool, mounted into the metal film holder. Once the film roll is in, there is a hinged metal bracket, which goes over to lock the spool. This part also engages with the film-winding key on the outside of the camera.

The film holder ensures that the film remains evenly stretched and therefore uniform within the exposing area. The film-winding key on the outside engages with the winding spool on the holder where the used film collects.

Capturing the Spirit of the Moment

Inside the film holder

Here is a view from the inside of the metal film holder. This is the vital exposing chamber and therefore it is matt black from the inside.

This is the most simplest and reliable camera that works every time. There is not much that can go wrong in this camera, and if you can find a film for it and could develop it, then you could have hours of fun.

No. 120 Film

No. 120 Film

Here is a stamped mark on the case, which indicates that the film used is number 120.

This Article Continues...

Brownie Box Camera No. 2
Brownie Box Camera Shutter Mechanism
Brownie Box Camera Metal Film Loader
Brownie Box Camera Shutter Operation Video
Brownie Box Camera Date and Model