Schematic & TMS0107 NC Calculator Chip

TMS0107 NC Calculator Chip

The TMS 0107 NC, also called TMS0107, is a calculator chip manufactured by Texas Instruments. It is a computer chip capable of performing basic mathematical operations, scanning the keyboard, and providing a multiplexed output for display. It has a single Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), and static memory for storing a single 10-digit numerical value.

PCB Soldering Side

In order to provide a display, this chip required four support chips to drive a 10-digit LED panel.


TMS0107 Pinout

This chip requires both positive and negative voltage rails to operate, and I measured +9 V on pin 28, and -9 V on pin 15.

The clock pulse is fed to pin 1. Ports d1 through to d11 are for scanning the keyboard, and pins 16 through to 24 provide signals to the display driver chips.

Clock Oscillator

Bistable clock oscillator circuit.

A pair of transistors in a bi-stable configuration generates the digital clock pulse, which is around 255 kHz.

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Bowmar 901D / TEN
Bowmar 901D / TEN Inside View
Bowmar 901D PCB & Components
Schematic & TMS0107 NC Calculator Chip
Bowmar LED Display Unit
Klixon Keyboard
Keyboard Matrix
Bowmar 901D / TEN Power Supply
Bowmar 901D Adapter & Accessories
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Bowmar 901D / TEN Manual