Baxandall Bass and Tone Board Layout


Component Layout

Circuit Component Layout

I have designed this board to be symmetrical across the horizontal axis, which is along track R. However this is only possible if your board has 35 strips. The cheapest board I managed to find had 36 strips and therefore the 36th strip is unused. When you flip this board over along its horizontal axis, this unused strip then goes to the top. Therefore you should bear this in mind when cutting the tracks. A diagram of where to cut the tracks is shown, when you view the enlarged board layout above.

You will also notice that the cuts are organised in columns, hence it is easier to count out the rows and move to the next cut, thereby reducing the chances of mistakes occurring. I have been similarly thoughtful with the link placement by organising them as well.

Completed Circuit

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Baxandall Bass and Tone Project
Circuit and Calculator
Bass and Tone Board Layout
Potentiometer Wiring
Split-Rail Power Supply Circuit
PSU Board Layout
Circuit Testing