Baxandall Project -- Split-Rail Power Supply Circuit


This split-rail power supply circuit for the LM324 Baxandall Bass and Tone project is a very simple one that is easy to build. You will notice that it has no voltage regulators, and by eliminating those, we also eliminate a plethora of unnecessary wiring and cost. Instead we spend the money on capacitors across the bridge rectifier diodes. In addition, we use a series of resistors and capacitors, to smoothen the power supply and make it free of ripple. It is a very simple and elegant circuit that has worked well for me in the past, and often found in commercial high-end audio products as well.

Full Component List

Part NumberValueDescription
D11N4004Power Diode
D21N4004Power Diode
D31N4004Power Diode
D41N4004Power Diode
C10.1 µF630 V, (Metallised Polyester Film)
C20.1 µF630 V, (Metallised Polyester Film)
C30.1 µF630 V, (Metallised Polyester Film)
C40.1 µF630 V, (Metallised Polyester Film)
C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, C101000 µF (or greater)25 V (or greater) Electrolytic
C11, C120.1 µF630 V, (Metallised Polyester Film)
R1, R2, R3, R4100 Ω1/4-watt, 1 %

This Article Continues...

Baxandall Bass and Tone Project
Circuit and Calculator
Bass and Tone Board Layout
Potentiometer Wiring
Split-Rail Power Supply Circuit
PSU Board Layout
Circuit Testing