20V PSU Final Build

Bridge Section

Here are the photographs of the final build for this 20 V power supply board. This board also provides a 6 V rail for the purposes explained in the main page. Like most of my projects, the build went very smoothly as usual. I designed the schematic, designed the board layout, assembled it, and flicked ON the power switch and it all worked first time!

In this build, I was able to use recycled electrolytic capacitors. For these, the voltage is the critical parameter; hence 25 V or more usually works fine after the 20 V regulator, and a 10 V or more after the 6 V regulator. The voltage from the bridge rectifier depends upon the transformer you use, therefore the voltage rating of the electrolytic capacitor should be preferable greater that the DC output from the bridge.

Voltage Regs
Bridge Rectifier

For the bridge rectifier circuit, if you get capacitors with the correct lead spacing, then as you can see, they fit nice and straight directly onto the board and you will not have to spend time bending the leads.

6V Regulator

This Article Continues...

20V PSU for Quadraphonic SQ Decoder
Final Build
Build Links
Build Soldering
LM317T Mod