Sony WM-B52 Inside

Sony WM-B52 Inside

Sony WM-B52 had a very simplistic construction so that the electronics could survive water damage. As you can see, the PCB was rough and ready, with minimal conventional components to support the audio IC.

If water got into the Walkman, then the best action to take was to remove the batteries and to allow it to thoroughly dry out. Water within the d.c. motor will not allow the mechanism to work, and this component took many days to dry out. Occasionally, the audio IC will fail due to water damage, and in such an eventuality, it would be uneconomical to repair the Walkman.

Overall, this extremely reliable Walkman was robust, and recovered even after exposure to water.

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Sony WM-B52
Sony WM-B52
Sony WM-B52 Inside
Sony WM-B52 Tub Case
Sony WM-B52 Tape Transport
Sony WM-B52 Mechanism
Sony WM-B52 Clock Module
Sony WM-B52 PCB
Sony WM-B52 Power
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