Sony WM-B52 Tub Case

Sony WM-B52 Tub Case

The Sony WM-B52 Sports Walkman had a watertight plastic tub case. The top half was the lid to the cassette compartment, inside which they also housed the battery compartment. The cassette compartment lid had a black rubber seal to protect the cassette from getting wet.

This design is for those who like to swim and listen to music, or perhaps sit in the bathtub and listen. I would of course love to be able to swim and listen to music simultaneously. Perhaps one day when I win the Premium Bonds or Sony offers me the post of CEO.

Rubber Glove

Rubber Glove

The push buttons for cassette operation situate inside what looks like a black rubber glove, which acts as a seal keeping out the water.

Headphone Jack Sockets

Headphone Jack Sockets

Inside, there is this small printed circuit board (PCB) with a pair of jack sockets soldered in parallel. This of course means that two people can swim together and run together whilst listening to the music. Providing they can keep up with each other!

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Sony WM-B52
Sony WM-B52
Sony WM-B52 Inside
Sony WM-B52 Tub Case
Sony WM-B52 Tape Transport
Sony WM-B52 Mechanism
Sony WM-B52 Clock Module
Sony WM-B52 PCB
Sony WM-B52 Power
Sony MDR-W15 Dynamic Headphones