Panasonic RQ-SX75 Clutch Retaining Disc

Inside View
Top Clutch Disc
Retaining Disc and Spring

The RQ-SX75 clutch retaining disc is a special part that retains the spring in the clutch mechanism. A true retaining disc has the ability to lock around the plastic shaft and thereby retain the spring below it. Unfortunately, this part is no longer manufactured by the Panasonic Corporation and therefore I had to find another solution. Here are some photographs of the original retaining disc and spring.

Installing spring
Retaining Disc
Plan View

Here I am looking for something to use from the spare parts box. As you can see, it is a good idea to recycle e clips, wahsers, and springs.

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Panasonic RQ-SX75
Cassette Compartment
Opening for Repair
Inside View
Clutch Retaining Disc
Removing PCB
Tape Transport Mechanism
Drive Belts
Motor Assembly
Motor Pulley
PCB and Chipset
Battery Compartment