Denon AVR-1610 HDMI Board


The Denon AVR-1610 HDMI board is vertically oriented on the leftmost side. The main IC is the ADSP-21367, whilst the ADV7840 is the HDMI receiver, and ADV7510 is the HDMI transmitter. As you can see, the transmitter IC is closest to the bottom most HDMI socket, which is for output connection to a monitor. The top three HDMI sockets are for the inputs sharing the same receiver IC.

I did not notice any problems with the HDMI connection, however it is a bit fussy regarding the quality of the cables, and what device you connect to it. I have a very old DVD player (first generation) with HDMI and the audio works fine, but it periodically loses the video connection. However when I connect a modern DVD player, then this issue does not happen. Also with low quality HDMI cables, the connection resets periodically, and returns again, however high-quality cables seem to work fine.

These newer HDMI boards contain a plethora of modern electronics and functions and suffice it to say that it tends to work fine when connecting modern equipment, but not so fine when connecting old equipment. If you use gadgets of the same era, then generally there should not be any problems.

Mine had an intermittent problem of the video dropping, and since I am an engineer, I decided to open it and re-seat the boards. I vacuumed out any dust from the sockets and cleaned the contacts with an electrical contact cleaner, and then assembled it again. Unfortunately, cleaning the contacts did not make much difference, however changing the cable to a "faster" high-quality one seems to solve the problem.

If the power indicator flashes red and there is no sound, then check for overload or shorted speaker wires. If this condition persists then the amplifier may require repair by a qualified engineer.


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Denon AVR-1610
Inside View
No Sound
HDMI Board
Factory Reset
Electronic Engineering
Standby Flashing Red
Power Supply
Back Sockets