Denon AVR-1610 Repair

Board Removed

Repair of the AVR-1610 should only be done by experienced and qualified service engineers as this amplifier has a very complex electronic protection system. As you can see, to replace the power transistors, the heatsink together with the power amp board can be taken out of the chassis. The Denon engineers have thoughtfully placed the power transistors on the edge of the board, together with screw holes on the PCB, so that an engineer can easily remove the defective transistor without disturbing the rest of the components or circuitry. Replacement transistors are readily available on the auction site, and they are reasonably cheap, however be careful when buying as there are also fake transistors from The Far East around.

Board with Heatsink
Power Transistors

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Denon AVR-1610
Inside View
No Sound
HDMI Board
Factory Reset
Electronic Engineering
Standby Flashing Red
Power Supply
Back Sockets