Nakamichi AV-8 inside Look

Inside Look

The Nakamichi AV-8 is very similar in design to the AV-7 and AV-10, and we see the same type of power output assembly and fan situated at the centre, with similar organisation and layout of the boards. The brown boards and green silk-screening gives an average commercial build quality, however, it all works well and that is what really matters in the end.

I bought this amplifier from the spares and repairs listing because it was just affordable, and it was a Nakamichi! Its history was that it was a working amplifier, which they sent for calibration, where the "expert" opened it and caused a short. This resulted in the amplifier not starting up. It would attempt to do so and then shut down making clicking noises from the relay. The owner then sent it to amateurs (the types that talk a lot and polish volume knobs), where they destroyed it completely by adding more faults and then all that the amplifier did was make clicking noises of the relay. In addition to the two brit-made faults, a delivery driver called Mobi used a cannon to load the parcels into his van.

Electronic Engineering

My first port of call was to contact the Nakamichi Corporation, and when they realised that the great (and not forgetting legendary) Peter Vis was working on one of their amplifiers at the prestigious Vis Labs facility, they were quick to send out a service manual. Nakamichi, being such a high-quality organisation, always helps engineers with service information. After speaking with their lead designer, he also sent me some replacement components free of charge. I have to say; they go beyond expectations, where customer service is concerned.

Main Transformer

Much of the weight is due to this extremely heavy transformer.

Power Output Section

This board contains the amplifier power output, together with the Harmonic Time Alignment circuitry.

Power Output Assembly
OP Amps
S-Video Board
Digital Board

This is the digital board, which resolves Dolby Digital signal into individual channels. It also has coaxial and optical digital connectors.

Power Output Assembly
S-Video Board

This Article Continues...

Nakamichi AV-8
Nakamichi AV-8 inside Look
Nakamichi AV-8 Heatsink Assembly Cleaning
Nakamichi AV-8 Audio Power Output Assembly
LC865624 Control Processor
Nakamichi AV-8 Service and Repair
Nakamichi AV-8 Front PCB
Nakamichi AV-8 Power Supply System
Nakamichi AV-8 Speaker Protection System
Nakamichi AV-8 Volume Control Board
Nakamichi AV-8 Digital Board
Nakamichi AV-8 Tuner Board
Nakamichi AV-8 Main Board PCB
Nakamichi AV-8 Back Sockets
Nakamichi AV-8 Specification