LC865624 Control Processor

The Nakamichi AV-8 uses the LC865624 (also known as LC865624A) 8-bit single chip microcontroller for general management. It has on-chip ROM and RAM, 8-bit AD converter, 13-source 10-vectored interrupt system, and two 8-bit serial interface circuits. This IC is on the front panel PCB and they usually mount it diagonally. A huge amount of information goes to this IC and if you understood its pinout and were able to read the digital information, then it can give many clues to why the amplifier is not working. At Vis Labs, I invented a special socket that connects to all the pins so that they could be read on a multi-channel scope.

View of IC
View of IC

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Nakamichi AV-8
Nakamichi AV-8 inside Look
Nakamichi AV-8 Heatsink Assembly Cleaning
Nakamichi AV-8 Audio Power Output Assembly
LC865624 Control Processor
Nakamichi AV-8 Service and Repair
Nakamichi AV-8 Front PCB
Nakamichi AV-8 Power Supply System
Nakamichi AV-8 Speaker Protection System
Nakamichi AV-8 Volume Control Board
Nakamichi AV-8 Digital Board
Nakamichi AV-8 Tuner Board
Nakamichi AV-8 Main Board PCB
Nakamichi AV-8 Back Sockets
Nakamichi AV-8 Specification