Sony TA-VE170 Active Heatsink

Sony TA-VE170 Active Heatsink

Achieved by an active cooling system, the thermal management consists of a simple aluminium heatsink, and a small fan attached to it.

Heatsink Plan View

It is an aluminium duct with vent holes at one end and a fan at the other.

Heatsink and Fan Assembly

Here is a view showing how thick the fan is. I have seen similar constructions in computer routers. IT equipment tends to employ cooling fans such as these.

SI 18752 Power Transistor

Here is the audio power output IC. In total there are four SI 18752 chips, and one SI 18751 chip.

Heatsink with SI 18752 Power Transistors

On the audio side of the PCB, there are two of these IC chips fitted to the active heatsink. The other side of the heatsink has three fitted in the same way.

Heatsink with power transistors attached.

Here is a view showing how the audio power outputs ICs attach to the heatsink.

Heatsink with holes.

Here is another view showing the heatsink with a square cross section.

This Article Continues...

Sony TA-VE170 Surround Sound Amplifier
Sony TA-VE170 Inside
Sony TA-VE170 Back Sockets
Sony TA-VE170 Active Heatsink
Sony TA-VE170 Protect Mode and Fan
Sony TA-VE170 Cooling Fan
Sony TA-VE170 PSU and Standby
Sony TA-VE170 Chipset