Sony TA-VE170 PSU and Standby

Sony TA-VE170 PSU and Standby

PSU Side of the main PCB.

Based on conventional transformers, the power supply is impressive. Almost no ripple on any of the voltage rails. There is a wonderful Bando low profile transformer as the main transformer, and another smaller transformer for the standby power supply. You can see all of this in the following sections of this multi-page article.

Main transformer.

I just love this low profile transformer. It seems to work really well in this design.

Standby PCB and transformer.

This smaller transformer is for the standby power supply. The infrared receiver circuitry, and the power button, require standby power.

Standby transformer.

The standby power circuitry is a very simple and elegant design solution that seems to work well.

PSU Capacitors

These large electrolytic capacitors for the main power rails work well and are reliable.

vjcc45734 Bando Transformer

The Bando Company is the best in making transformers. These are very reliable -- well, so far so good -- we will see in 60 years time.

This Article Continues...

Sony TA-VE170 Surround Sound Amplifier
Sony TA-VE170 Inside
Sony TA-VE170 Back Sockets
Sony TA-VE170 Active Heatsink
Sony TA-VE170 Protect Mode and Fan
Sony TA-VE170 Cooling Fan
Sony TA-VE170 PSU and Standby
Sony TA-VE170 Chipset